Decuma (EN)

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Podrobný popis

Decuma je tarotom inšpirovaná kartová hra pre RPG, ktorá umožňuje GM a hráčom spolupracovať pri vytváraní dôležitých bodov kampane, ako sú kľúčové miesta, vzťahy medzi postavami a nastavenie konfliktov. Sada je v angličtine.

Decuma is “the R&D for your RPG”: a tarot-inspired card game that helps the GM and their players collaboratively create all the important details for their campaign, including key locations, character connections, and setting conflicts. Plus, Decuma can be paired with any tabletop RPG setting or system, including D&D, Savage Worlds, Powered by the Apocalypse, Pathfinder, and more - so you never have to worry about compatibility. Decuma uses a unique set of question cards that give the whole experience a feeling of mystical interconnectedness - as if Destiny herself is guiding the campaign! Decuma saves the GM a ton of prep time and can be easily customized to focus on (or exclude) specific aspects of campaign creation. You can use it to add depth to a pre-written adventure or to create a home-brewed world from scratch! Best of all: this big world-building tool fits into a little card box! There are no books to lug around!

Dodatočné parametre

Kategória: RPG
Záruka: 2 roky

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